Thank you for your registration
What’s Next?
Welcome to fit · bloc!
We’re pleased to have you join us!
But first, we need to go through some basic rules about the gym and climbing etiquettes to ensure that everyone has a safe and fun time with us.
Click the button below to head to the form
If you are currently at the gym:
Please head over to the counter to complete your registration and payment.
You are strongly recommended to download our app at your own time to view our available classes, pricing options and for a quicker check in on future visits.
Download our app
If you are registering in advance:
- Download our app
- Select “log in”, then “create account”
- Enter your email and other details identical to this form.
- Verify your account
- Your may view our available pricing options and purchase in advance, or purchase them over the counter if you have any questions!
Register for an App account through the following steps:
Download our app ( iOS download | Android download )
Once downloaded, select “Create an account”.
Select “Continue with email”.
Complete the form. Please use the email that you’ve input when you registered on this form. An email will be sent to you to verify your app account.
Once you’ve verified your account, complete your profile by selecting “edit” under your profile page. You will be able to purchase passes and making bookings via our app after.